lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Ecohidrología y restauración de zonas áridas en el Congreso Europeo de Ecología

Entre el 25 y el 29 de septiembre se celebró en Ávila (España) el 12th European Ecological Federation Congress ( El resultado creo que ha sido muy satisfactorio, con buen nivel científico de las comunicaciones presentadas.
En cuanto a los temas más cercanos al contenido de este blog, las mesas de "Dryland restoration" y "Advances in Eco-hydrology" fueron muy interesantes, aunque con una elevada diversidad de temas. A continuación se muestra un índice de las comunicaciones presentadas en estas dos mesas:

Dryland restoration: from ecotechnology to people - Ecological restoration

Vulturnet. Connectivity of raptors scavengers populations through ecological corridors.
Alvarez, Ernesto. Alvarez, Mario. Galan, Manuel.

Evaluation of restoration – Learning from science and people.
Bautista, Susana.

Restoring ecosystem services and biodiversity.
Bullock, James.

Ecological knowledge for the restoration of Mediterranean semi-arid lands.
Cortina, Jordi. Amat, Beatriz. De Soto, Lucía. Disante, Karen. Fuentes, David. Valdecantos, Alejandro. Vilagrosa, Alberto.

Challenges for restoration and sustainable development of drylands in Mexico.
Huber-Sannwald, Elisabeth. Arredondo Moreno, Tulio. Riberio Palacios, Mónica. Martínez Peña, Ruth Magnolia. Concostrina Zubiri, Laura.

Soil quality improvement in the restoration of limestone quarries.
Mexia, Teresa. Nunes, Alice. Clemente, Adelaide. Correia, Patrícia. Oliveira, Graça. Correia, Otília.

Reforestation in arid lands: some criteria to fix the size of the water traps and microcatchments.
Mongil, Jorge. Martínez de Azagra, Andrés.

Regime shifts in Mediterranean mountains: from farmland abandonment to forest regeneration.
Pereira, Henrique Miguel. Navarro, Laetitia. Figueiredo, Joana.

Participative tools in environmental decision making processes: examples from Extremadura (Spain).
Pérez-Fernández, María A.

Mutualistic interaction between shrubs in an arid ecosystem.
Pugnaire, Francisco I.. Tirado, Reyes.

“Farmland manicure” to restore biodiversity and ecosystem services on agricultural land.
Rey Benayas, Jose.

Foliar fertilization as an approach to assess nutrient limitation in semiarid Mediterranean ecosystems.
Ruiz-Navarro, Antonio. Barberá, Gonzalo. Fernández, Victoria. Abadía, Anunciación. Abadía, Javier. Piñero, Maria Carmen. Querejeta, José Ignacio. Albaladejo, Juan.

Influence of microhabitat in the natural regeneration of Quercus petraea in restored coal mines (Northern Palencia, Spain).
Torroba, Paloma. Zaldivar, Pilar. Fernandez-Santos, Belen. Martinez-Ruiz, Carolina.

Advances in Eco-hydrology

Runoff-driven soil water redistribution on the basis of eco-hydrological relationships.
Arnau-Rosalén, Eva. Molina-Sanchis, Isabel. Lázaro-Suau, Roberto. Ladrón de Guevara, Mónica. Boix-Fayos, Carolina.Calvo-Cases, Adolfo.

Spatial Pattern, Diversity, and Water Balance in Semiarid Mediterranean Plant Communities. A Microcosm
Camacho Garzón, Yudy Azucena. Bautista, Susana.

Relationship among biological soil crusts, rainfall characteristics and runoff at plot and hillslope scales.
Chamizo, Sonia. Rodríguez-Caballero, Emilio. Cantón, Yolanda. Domingo, Francisco. Escudero, Adrián.

Enhanced Vegetation Index from MODIS and rainfall as predictors of actual evapotranspiration in two dryland
sites at SE Spain.
Contreras, Sergio. Serrano-Ortiz, Penélope. Morillas, Laura. Uclés, Olga. Sánchez-Cañete, Enrique P.

Fluxes of dissolved carbon on a riparian forest in the Western Amazonia, Brazil.
Leite, Nei. Krusche, Alex. Cabianchi, Giovana. Souza, Reginaldo. Xavier, Farley. Johnson, Mark S. Ballester, Maria.

Influence of increased air humidity on xylem flux of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) trees in free air experimental facility.
Lubenets, Kristina. Sellin, Arne. Kupper, Priit.

Effect of the definition of rainfall event on runoff analysis.
Molina, Isabel. Lázaro, Roberto. Cayuela, Luís. Arnau, Eva. Calvo, Adolfo. Ladrón de Guevara, Monica.

Improving evapotranspiration estimates in semiarid ecosystems: the role of soil evaporation.
Morillas, Laura. Uclés, Olga. P. Sanchez-Cañete, Enrique. García, Monica. Villagarcía, Luis. Domingo, Francisco.

Can we predict groundwater discharge using ecological optimality?
O’Grady, Anthony. Carter, Jenny. Leaney, Fred. Jolly, Ian. Crosbie, Russell. Gow, Laura. Davies, Phill.

Impact of hydro-energetic constructions and dyking upon specific ecosistems.
Olivia, Cioboiu. Gheorghe, Brezeanu.

Plant community patterns and the strength of the plant-water infiltration feedback in semi-arid ecosystems.
Pueyo, Yolanda. Moret, David. Alados, Concepción L. Sáiz, Hugo. Bueno, Guillermo.

Runoff and Erosion in semiarid ecosystems depend on complex interactions among some features of Biological Soil Crusts and rainfall .
Rodríguez Caballero, Emilio. Chamizo, Sonia. Cantón, Yolanda. Lazaro, Roberto. Escudero, Adrian.

Connectivity and degradation in semi-arid systems: patterns, thresholds and feedback effects.
Saco, Patricia M.. Moreno de las Heras, Mariano. Saco, Garry.

Sudden formation of streams in a flat semiarid landscape in Central Argentina.
Santoni, Celina. Contreras, Sergio. Jobbágy, Esteban.

Dewfall deposition on contrasted slope aspects in a badlands ecosystem in SE Spain.
Ucles Ramos, Olga Maria. Villagarcia Saiz, Luis. Canton Castilla, Yolanda. Lazaro Suau, Roberto. Domingo Poveda,Francisco.

Effect on evapotranspiration of the change in precipitation patterns on a semiarid ecosystem from SE Spain.
Villagarcía, Luis. Ladrón de Guevara, Mónica. Morillas, Laura. Chamizo, Sonia. Were, Ana. Serrano, Penélope. Domingo, Francisco. Lázaro, Roberto.

Quantifying the relations between forest changes and water at a large spatial scale.
Wei, Xiaohua (Adam). Zhang, Mingfang.

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